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Once in a LIVEtime

Indeks Once in a LIVEtime

Once in a LIVEtime je dvostruko CD uživo izdanje američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

13 odnosi: A Change of Seasons (pjesma), Awake (album Dream Theatera), Dream Theater, Falling into Infinity, John Petrucci, Learning to Live, Metropolis Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper, Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory, Pull Me Under, Take the Time, The Mirror, The Ytse Jam, Voices.

A Change of Seasons (pjesma)

"A Change of Seasons" je prva pjesma s EP izdanja A Change of Seasons (izdan 1995. godine) američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

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Awake (album Dream Theatera)

Awake je treći studijski album progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

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Dream Theater

Dream Theater američki je progresivni metal sastav koji su 1985. godine pod imenom Majesty osnovali John Petrucci, John Myung i Mike Portnoy, studenti bostonske glazbene akademije Berklee College of Music.

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Falling into Infinity

Falling into Infinity četvrti je studijski album progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

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John Petrucci

John Peter Petrucci (rođen 12. srpnja 1967.), američki je gitarist, najpoznatiji kao jedan od osnivača progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

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Learning to Live

"Learning to Live" je osma pjesma i posljednja pjesma s albuma Images and Words (izdan 1992. godine) američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

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Metropolis Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper

"Metropolis Pt.

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Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory

Metropolis Pt.

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Pull Me Under

"Pull Me Under" je prva pjesma s albuma Images and Words (izdan 1992. godine) američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

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Take the Time

"Take the Time" je treća pjesma s albuma Images and Words (izdan 1992. godine) američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

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The Mirror

"The Mirror" je sedma pjesma s albuma Awake (izdan 1994. godine) američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

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The Ytse Jam

"The Ytse Jam" je treća pjesma s albuma When Dream and Day Unite (izdan 1989. godine) američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

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"Voices" je peta pjesma s albuma Awake (izdan 1994. godine) američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater.

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