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Returned to the Scene of the Crime

Indeks Returned to the Scene of the Crime

Returned to the Scene of the Crime je prvi studijski album sastava The Rossington Band.


  1. 4 odnosi: Atlantic Records, Love Your Man, Pop rock, The Rossington Band.

Atlantic Records

Atlantic Records (Atlantic Recording Company) je američka diskografska kuća najpoznatija po svojim R&B, rock and roll i jazz izdanjima.

Pogledaj Returned to the Scene of the Crime i Atlantic Records

Love Your Man

Love Your Man je drugi studijski album sastava The Rossington Band.

Pogledaj Returned to the Scene of the Crime i Love Your Man

Pop rock

Pop rock je glazbeni podžanr koji koristi elemente pop i rock glazbe.

Pogledaj Returned to the Scene of the Crime i Pop rock

The Rossington Band

The Rossington Band američki je glazbeni rock sastav.

Pogledaj Returned to the Scene of the Crime i The Rossington Band